Wildflower Mixes - 50 Pounds

Completely transform your landscape with our 50-pound bulk wildflower mixes that are perfect for providing endless blooms in every color. This mix size is ideal for covering about two acres of land, offering significant cost savings for large-scale planting projects. We offer 12 tried and true wildflower mixes in the 50-pound size, including our popular Bulk Deer Resistant Wildflower Seed Mix and Bulk Bird & Butterfly Wildflower Seed Mix. With low maintenance and easy-to-manage custom mixes, Bulk Wildflowers has made planting a huge wildflower meadow easier than ever before. Some gardeners are even replacing large lawns with wildflowers, eliminating the need for mowing and providing beautiful blooms to brighten up the surroundings. Choose from our vast assortment that contains cosmos, daisies, lupine, and other favorite flowers, and begin renewing your space today!